(Originally based on an exercise from the Tamarack Institute)
What’s your intention: increased public participation, community inclusive planning or mapping stakeholders &/or partners?
Available in English and Bahasa.
Steps for increasing stakeholder/partner project participation:
- List everyone you know, in your community, in each quadrant
- Identify the Top 3 people who you have a close relationship with or know well
- Craft the “ask” – approach each person and tell them about the project but don’t ask for a commitment to attend straight away but ask for a commitment for a second meeting
- Revisit those people at the agreed second meeting time and ask them to come along to a community conversation
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
Steps for planning with stakeholders/partners:
- List everyone you know, in your community, in each quadrant (or use above list)
- Identify the Top 3 people who you have a close relationship with or know well
- Craft the “ask” – approach each person and tell them about the project but don’t ask for a commitment to attend straight away but ask for a commitment for a second meeting
- Revisit those people at the agreed second meeting time, respond to queries and ask them to come along to a planning meeting
At the planning meeting:
- Encourage everyone’s participation in designing a community conversation (example process here)
- Co-create a powerful “calling question” and invitation
- Before leaving the planning meeting, ask everyone to list everyone they know, in their community, in each quadrant
- Ask them to identify the Top 3 people who they have a close relationship with or know well
- Encourage them to invite their “top” people to come along to the community conversation
Steps for mapping and organising stakeholders/partners:
- Decide on the core purpose of the mapping for the centre, e.g. youth participation, homelessness, public participation etc.
- Create concentric circles over the quadrant (see photo below)
- Create a list of everyone you know, in your community
- Add the names from the list above into the following circles and with the core purpose in mind:
- Inner circle – most engaged
- Second circle – sometimes engaged
- Third circle – least engaged
- Outer circle – not engaged
- Bring the map to life! Act on the potential opportunities to engage immediately and use the information for further planning
Imagine a meeting of 60 people, where in an hour you would have heard everyone and at the end you would have precisely identified the 5 most important points that people are willing to act on together.” Toke Moller, Art of Hosting