We have had a busy month!
DRUMBEAT is back! – Dee has already delivered one training in Tamworth and one in Toowoomba, with 2 COVID tests to go with them for your safety, and there’s more coming up. Click here for more information and details for booking.
Last week, our Bored members were finally able to have a week long retreat together and delved deep in to exploring new roles that they will be taking up over the next year.
Our NDIS Support Co-ordination and Behaviour Intervention support team continue to grow in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria with new initiatives and projects on the horizon. More information to come!
Our CoBu team recently facilitated a 2 day online Participatory Community Building workshop and received some amazing feedback.
- The creativity woven throughout the whole process. The knowledge of the facilitators, and their willingness to share from their own experiences.
- Great presenters – very connected with the group
- The online model allowed us to meet & workshop with folks who are in totally different regions & communities which was very interesting
- So incredibly practical, theory based and experience based- very engaging and so easy to learn while also having the brain tick away at how it could be applied in my context. LOVED how you did the online training in particular, using mural and all the break out rooms phenomenal job ladies, gold standard of engaging and useful training!
- Great subject matter! so community-facing – like no other training I have done to date.
If you are looking for support or project management for your community projects, please contact our Community Building Team.
We are looking forward to sharing a new community-based initiative for people with disabilities. This position being designed by Jeder is a blend of our NDIS and CoBu teams and will be trialled in Victoria. We will bring you updates as the program is evolved and introduced to the community.
Please note below that we have updated our formal business address to; PO Box 5652 Wagga Wagga BC NSW 2650.
We will be redirecting our mail from the St Clair PO Box to the Wagga PO Box over this next month and then cease.
Until next month, please enjoy our Jeder Yarns.
Yours in Community,
Team Jeder