Participatory Community Building Workshop – May 17th & 18th
You are invited to a 2-day community training event facilitated by Jeder Institute.
Day 1: 9.30am-4.00pm Day 2 9.30am – 3.00pm
This workshop will help you create the conditions for inclusion and contribution.
We know that we all benefit from networking and sharing resources to create change in our community. The 2-day training will provide participants with tools and skills to work together for common outcomes, understand the importance of mapping, plus engage with their communities to encourage participation and quality input.
Who is this for?
- Anyone & everyone who wants to explore the power of collective creativity, intelligence & collaboration with each other & within their communities.
- Business leaders, social entrepreneurs, community & not for profit leaders, community organisers and their teams
- Next generation leaders, department leaders, policy officers & program managers.
The training offers a bespoke framework underpinned by Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) and art of participatory leadership practices, patterns and processes in a participatory co-design framework. These approaches have been used effectively in community, business, government, and non-government contexts worldwide to enable the inclusion and connection of diverse perspectives for deeper outcomes.
- Come together to strengthen and grow our networks
- Teach and learn from each other using participatory methods
- Explore how we can build stronger collaboration across our communities
- Celebrate our unique, local approach to innovation
- Share stories of success and challenge
Participants will experience how to blend Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) with other practices and processes and practically apply a range of tools & skills to:
✓ Focus on assets and strengths rather than deficiencies ✓ Discover ways to blend methodologies
✓ Apply strengths-based monitoring and evaluation ✓ Build effective partnership strategies
✓ Increase confidence in hosting group work ✓ Form powerful enquiries and proposals
✓ Explore group dynamics and decision-making
Many of the challenges faced by individuals and communities require transformational change, which can only be achieved by focusing on the gifts and strengths within. Methodologies, which respond to this way of working, may include:
- Citizen & Community-led Initiatives
- Asset-based or Place-based projects
- Collective Impact & Action work
- Collaboration & Community Conversations
- Mapping Assets and Activation
Participants will learn ways to weave, embed and sustain ABCD and other strengths-based and participatory practices through co-design and collaboration processes. We will show you how to move from dialogue to action and how to discover ways to address complex challenges via innovative solutions, including the application of:
- Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)
- Mapping Your Community
- Change and/or Social Labs
- Art of Hosting & Harvesting (AoH)
- Circle Methodology
- World Café
- Open Space Technology
- Appreciative Inquiry & SOAR
- Graphic Facilitation & Harvesting
- DEC Thinking & Breath Patterns
Training Investment (includes lunch and refreshments)
$200.00 per person – Community members /Volunteers
$300.00 per person – Local organisation
$600.00 per person – Not for profit
$900.00 per person – Corporate and Government
Note: GST will be added on registration. If this is still beyond your capacity, PLEASE talk to us! Send an email to Fiona and let’s have a conversation!
Fiona Miller is a creative conduit with a diverse back ground that includes community development, creative & visual arts, early years, education, bushfire recovery, inclusion, community houses, community gardens and more. Having worked within a variety of organisations/agencies and local governments she has a broad understanding of the diversity of organisational structures.
As a facilitator, graphic harvester or community member, contributing to community for making great places and participating in community led projects that are sustainable are her focus. She loves nothing more than watching people and projects grow and uses creative arts, ABCD and strengths based practices as platforms for discovering and exploring community futures.
Supporting our young people to explore their own place within community is something she sees as particularly important. Everyone deserves to feel safe and be included and we can build relationships and have fun while we do it.