Graphic Harvesting – Lunch Box Conversation Session
This will be a participatory 1 hour, bring your lunch and a cuppa conversation session.
“A picture paints a thousand words!” A wonderful saying that allows our minds to explore opportunity through imagination and individual interpretation.
So why not Graphic Harvest more of our meetings, conversations and experience? Together we will discuss the importance of including visuals into our daily work, not only for inclusion, but broadening the participation in conversation that is generated from images. All data needs images and we know that stories stick like glue, especially if you have an image to recall.
We’ll even have a try in our session and YES, anyone can graphic harvest!
BYO paper, markers, pens or pencils.
ANYONE wanting to explore other options for capturing stories and including images in their practice.
- Young, old, creatives, non creatives!
- Community members and not for profit leaders
- Community organisers and their teams
- Business leaders and social entrepreneurs
- Next generation leaders and other young activists
- Department leaders, policy officers and program managers
- NDIS directors, team leaders, planners